About Us

The X-NOISE EV Coordination Action, through its network structure and comprehensive workplan involving experts groups, scientific workshops, international cooperation seminars and a common information system, addresses the noise challenges faced by Aviation.

As such it is significantly contributing to the objectives of reducing Aircraft Noise by 10 dB per operation as set by the ACARE 2020 Vision, while addressing key factors associated with Airport Noise issues.

Over 4 years, the project does involve 29 partners from 21 countries, combining the complementary skills and expertise of industry partners, SMEs, universities and research establishments to cover the whole field of interest.

Through a new phase of consolidation and development, the X-NOISE EV (for EVolution) project is then aimed at pursuing the activities of the X-NOISE network, involved since 1998 in the area of Aircraft Noise Research.

The basic concept behind the project is set on 3 pillars involving each a dedicated set of coordination and networking activities:

– Strategic Domain: Definition and Assessment of Research Strategies

– Dissemination Domain: Dissemination and Communication Activities

– Integration of Research Community: Development of a Research Community Network

Following achievements are expected concerning the 3 project aspects:

– Strategic Domain: Gap analysis & recommendations on research priorities concerning technology solutions, noise abatement procedures, annoyance related research, noise mapping techniques & interdependencies modelling; Well established methodologies to support ACARE noise goals assessment; Recommended approach for coordinating the European interdependencies modelling framework; Recommendations for International cooperation in the Balanced Approach and Impacts area

– Dissemination Domain: Annual Scientific Workshops; Periodic Network Newsletter; Public Website; Contribution to ICAO Noise Technology Reviews; Recommendations on how to address Training Needs

– Integration of Research Community: National workshops and active exchanges for all countries involved in the NFP network; Regional workshops for South America, Mediterranee and the Balkans; Annual Full Network Meeting; Calls to contribute to the Innovation Bank